Sunday, 23 September 2018

The Last day

Our penultimate day has arrived after 4 months dodging the New Zealand winter. By all accounts we may be home a day or two too soon, but it feels as though we have been away a year.

Our last few days in Vancouver were packed with activity. We had dinner events with Peter and Penny Pearce and Joan Fisher and Michael Carruthers, who are distant family relatives of Diana’s from both sides of her family. We also had dinner with good friends Elaine, Joel and Bryn. Thanks to all for great Canadian hospitality.

Blair and Meghan drove us to Osoyoos (tricky to pronounce isn’t it) for a weekend, where we went hiking and wine trailing. After half a dozen wineries we had succumbed to visiting Jucy Lucy, forgetting how to pronounce the name of an age old Indian tribe from about these parts. While in Osoyoos, raging wildfires on all horizons limited vision to 5 kms or so…not sure those Blenheim fire fighters had much effect down in Idaho.

Back in Vancouver Diana and I spent a day hiking in the Lynn Canyon, a short drive north of the city and also spent more time in Stanley Park. Stanley park is brilliant for walking, biking and running. We managed two of those three. Blair also bought us tickets to the “Bard on the Beach”. This is a pop-up Shakespeare type seasonal event and was fantastic. The play we saw was “As You Like It”, not one that either of us had studied at school. Where else do you read Shakespeare these days? Surprisingly there were 28 Beatles songs interwoven into the script, pretty sure that old William didn’t put them there but this crew sung them in and it was a rip roarer great night out.

Finally we had to say good bye to Blair and Meghan. Their 13th floor apartment is two bedrooms but quite small and I know they will be pleased to have their space back. We really appreciated our time in the beautiful city they call home and especially Meghans amazing cooking and snacks.

A flight with Alaskan Air to Honolulu took us out of falling leaves and crisp mornings into non-stop summer, all day and all night. The weather here in Hawaii is hot but the beach is only a stones throw from just about anywhere. We hired a car one day, turned up “Surfin USA” and headed north to the Banzai Pipeline. I thought while we were in Hawaii I had to try surfing, everyone does it here and there is surf rolling in on all sides of the island. It didn’t take long before we were listening to the Surfaris and “Wipe Out”….darn good music from the olden days.

We climbed Diamond Head on a very hot afternoon and were proud of ourselves not to falter due to dehydration. While heading up we watched one young lady lifted off by the rescue helicopter! Couldn’t hack the pace.

We also visited Pearl Harbour and saw how the Japanese caught the Americans napping and wiped out most of their airforce and navy stationed here in 1942. While they did explain that the Japanese failed to break the Americans spirit and in fact only strengthened it. They did tell us that the Americans were ultimately victorious but they didn’t explain how those final moments were arrived at. There were several Japanese tourists there so I didn’t dwell on that. 

Today we have visited more breweries and been swimming in the sea. Packing and bracing ourselves for normalcy is next on the agenda.

But I must tell you about the President here. We watched a bit of TV and it is like a soap opera, not unlike Coronation Street. Same character line up and similar story lines. The only thing is that Donald Trump is the producer, and he casts himself as the lead actor. Not so bad so far but there is no script, no rehearsals, he just belts it out at anytime of the day and the other players react best they can. And this goes on and on. There can be three or four different stories going at once, no one is sure how they will finish, it is unbelievable. I think that being in the north of the country, and in Hawaii, that we are meeting people who predominantly voted for the Democrats. But some of his antics are so far off the dignity that we would expect of even the most uneducated illiterate of politicians that one wonders when it will all finish. Hopefully at the end of his 4 year term if not before.

Better wrap this up and we look forward to seeing you back in New Zealand…from tomorrow afternoon onwards.