An early start in Johannesburg and we managed a free shuttle and a train ride to the airport, quarter of the time and price of a taxi...winner! We arrived in Kigali, capital of Rwanda 5 hours later after a short stop in Nairobi. Rwanda is 1 degree south of the equator and I expected to be in a muck sweat by the time I got down the aeroplane steps but the temperature here is most pleasant. Even a bit cool in the evening. We had a smiling Jeremiah holding up a "Lawrence X 2" sign and were quickly whisked away to our lodging at Mille Collins.......the hotel made famous in the movie "Hotel Rwanda".
This fellow knocked up a tasty omelet in quick time for breakfast.
Our first day was an 8 hour drive in a Landcruiser on tarseal road, to the south west. We found out that 65% of the sitting politicians are females, there is free education and health service, no corruption, and the country is surprisingly clean because every 4th Saturday is a clean up day and the people are all expected to do some public tidying. It is an extremely hilly country with lots of red soil and terrace farming. In the two dry seasons all the valleys are allowed to be used by anybody who applies for a plot. With all manual labour they plant vegetables and sell some at the market. One huge river valley was planted with rice and sorghum. All the guys working those fields were wearing orange outfits - no not the work safe type - they were prisoners and not a guard in sight. 10% of the production will go to their families. Some would be some of the 100,000 convicted genocide perpetrators who are kept separate. It is all part of the reconciliation that has taken place. I'm sure there will be more about this later on our trip.
On our way south we stopped off at the "Kings Palace" and had a close encounter with some of his cattle. This is surprisingly called a Longhorn cow and seemed tame enough. We sampled some milk which is taken a bit like the ritual of drinking kava in Fiji. There is no King in Rwanda now....he lives in exile in the States and has been invited back but says he will only come back if he is still the king. Nobody expects to see him here again.
Diana sampling warm freshly squeezed milk....the after shot wasn't quite so elegant so has been left out.
It was a long drive to Kamembe on the southern shores of Lake Kivu. This is a stones throw from Congo, not a destination we have in mind.
This morning we had a 5.00am start and headed 90 minutes into the jungle looking for chimpanzees. We heard them well before seeing them making all those wonderful barking and "oo..ooing and ah..ahing noises we all know! We saw mostly rear ends of bundles of black fur high in the canopy but it was an interesting experience. Chimps are quite shy....nothing like the chimpanzee tea party characters that were an attraction at the Wellington Zoo a few years ago.....about 50 I think!
Tomorrow we are heading north with Jeremiah towards the gorillas......that should be exciting.
These are a mountain monkey, a chimpanzee and our National Park Guide